Coach CornerServe and Receivequestion-re-video-on-receiving-topspin-vs-backspin-serve
Kevin Tang asked 2 years ago

I’m watching your video on receiving the top/side vs under/side serve here –
Your suggestion is to hit through on topspin and brush more on underspin.
I’m wondering if there’s a way to flick the ball that could be used for both serves where it would help land the ball on the table despite what kind of serve the opponent is using.
Under pressure, I find it hard to distinguish the level of spin, especially if they put no-spin serves into the mix. 

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey Kevin, 
Yes it’s tricky to read spin and also the amount of spin as you mentioned. Depending on the spin you will always need to hit the ball slightly differently but it’s just small adjustments not big changes really. I would say if you really aren’t sure on the spin on the serves try to brush the ball well and focus on placement. This will help you make less mistakes by slowing down and it will improve with time if you work on this area of returning serves and reading the spin! 🙂 

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