Coach CornerTechniquesStyle of game: Timo Boll
Allyot asked 7 years ago

How does Timo Boll make the top spin forehand and backhand and serve? What is the peculiarity and difference of his top spin from the usual? And as a matter of fact, the serve, how to do it? I really want to have a technique like Timo Boll. help me please

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 7 years ago

Hi Allyot,

That’s a great question! Firstly, I would say Timo plays with a lot more spin and control over speed. So essentially when hes playing he has a fine touch on the ball during contact. This enables him to produce a lot of spin and rotation. This applies both on his backhand and forehand side. Whereas Dimitrij Ovtcharov plays with a lot more power, so both players have different styles. I would say Timo has a fantastic touch on the ball and that’s what enables him to produce more spin than others. I also think he works very hard and is an intelligent player with an incredible amount of experience. Timo also has very good footwork he is very low to the table with a strong center of gravity.

So to answer your question Allyot 🙂 To play like Timo you need to focus on spin, timing and brushing the ball. Let us know how you get on 🙂

replied 7 years ago

How to make so much spin? As far as I understand, timo boll really properly closes the racket and plays on the tangent ?, It is on the lining, not participating in the bases. That is, I must strongly close the racket and play on the tangent? He also has some kind of peculiar movement

Coach Dan
Academy Coach replied 7 years ago

Hi Allyot what is your current equipment setup out of interest?

To make more spin you need to develop feeling in your forehand and brush the ball with a closed angle like you have mentioned. Watch from 45 seconds where Tom talks about the angle and also from 1 minute and 36 seconds where I explain how to produce more spin:

Hope this helps 🙂

replied 7 years ago

I have Petr Korbel and 2 rubber XIOM VEGA PRO (Max) – if you asked about it

Coach Dan
Academy Coach replied 7 years ago

Nice that is a good equipment setup. When you get the chance can you upload a video of your shots to youtube and post the link here please and we will check it out.

replied 7 years ago

Well, tomorrow I have competitions, I’ll just record a video. What about the service?

replied 7 years ago

And by the way, thank you very much for helping me. I am very grateful

Coach Dan
Academy Coach replied 7 years ago

My pleasure Allyot, yes please post a recording from a competition that would be great with your whole game.

In terms of serves watch from 2 minutes and 58 seconds: see how we apply a lot of brush mechanics into the ball. During the serve stay relaxed with a fast acceleration of wrist with a light contact.

replied 3 years ago

Timo in his forehand delays the backswing a lot. Then he goes fast into the backswing as the body is rising creating a fast whip effect and very fast racket speed. You can add this to your shots by slowing the backswing down as much as possible then fast into the backswing as the body is going forward. Power and spin will go up 20%

replied 3 years ago

All good serves also use this delay in the backswing to create fast racket speed.

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