How to counteract aggressive attacks froom.pimps
Hi Tom/Dan
I play fairly regularly against players with pimples on one side and soft rubber on the other. What I find most frustrating is when I am attacking, the opponent chops a long
returnl to my backhand (which has a grippier but slighty slower rubber.) If I return the chopped ball with my backhand push or backspin the ball pops up and he can move in and attacks with his pimps or forehand soft rubber.
If I try to topspin the backspin with my backhand the topspin return is usually mid table and slow paced and the opponent has time to come in and initiate his own attack (usually with pimple side.
Trying to topspin his drive with pimples usually causes my return to drop into the net.
Any ideas? Would opening my backhand angle against pimples help to lift the ball over the net to give a deeper return and so maintain my own atteck?
Hey Nomad, yes opening the angle will help you on this for sure, I think what is really important is making sure to accelerate through the shot well and really try to brush the ball otherwise as you said it can drop into the net. The other option is pushing it but trying to get this shot lower over the net so it’s not easy for them to attack. To do this you need to take the ball early and make sure to be relaxed through the contact and have a fairly soft touch on the ball, or it can pop up if you are too heavy handed with it against the pips.
I think both these options you will need to use at times, it just depends if you have time and are in position to topspin otherwise a good low push is best and try to stay in the rally. Often against these players the key is just to be solid and not make to many mistakes rather than actually hitting winners past them. So slowing down and really taking your time is important and forcing them to play a few extra shots each rally will male a huge difference to your results. Dan
Thanks Dan
That makes good sense. If I can adopt both these strokes and tactics I think It may help to maintain my attack and hopefully force some errors from my opponent.
Thanks Dan
That makes good sense. If I can adopt both these strokes and tactics I think It may help to maintain my attack and hopefully force some errors from my opponent.