Coach CornerMatch playover-spinning
Hamza Caratela asked 5 months ago

Hey guys, i have recently seen your video on how to fix this over spinning problem and my shots lately have been less consistent. Is this normal? 

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 5 months ago

Hey Hamza, anytime you change things with your technique or shots it can have that affect for a while untill you get fully comfortable with it. With the over spinning it’s also about learning and training when you do need to spin more and when you can hit with a slightly thicker contact.

Also if you weren’t over spinning the ball already and try this, it might be that you are now hitting the ball a bit flat. So just make sure you are still getting a good brush on the ball and you’re consistency will come back I’m sure!


Hamza Caratela
replied 5 months ago

Hey Tom, I agree, I think im hitting the ball too flat and the ball tends to go off the end of the table. What I tend to do is to go upwards too much and letting the ball drop too much which gives my opponent plenty of time to go for an aggressive attack.

Academy Coach replied 5 months ago

Hey Hamza, yeah it sounds to me like for you it’s just about finding that balance between hitting too flat and hard or letting it drop and spinning to much. This is where it’s good to practice the shot at different timing points and see where you can get the best quality. Of course sometimes you have to take the ball slightly earlier or later in a match depending on the ball coming to you anyway.

So I think try to keep a good brush on the ball but not so late with the timing and trying to brush a bit more forward instead of up these things will really help you get this balance right!

Hamza Caratela
replied 5 months ago

Alright Tom thanks 😊

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