Coach CornerEquipmentfootwear-recommendations-are-the-adidas-stabil-16-a-good-option
Cameron Feather asked 8 months ago

I have been given vouchers from work and I want to get some appropriate footwear. Currently I am using my running shoes and they are rubbing after each session.
I am limited to where I can spend my vouchers to either Adidas or Nike direct stores and have seen reviews for the Stabil 16 for squash. Would these be worth getting or is there a better alternative?

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 8 months ago

Hey Cameron, yeah running shoes aren’t great for table tennis for sure. The Adidas stabil 16 shoes are great, they are very similar to a lot of shoes from table tennis brands. I actually had some of those Adidas shoes a long time ago and they were great!

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