Coach CornerTechniquesalways-out-of-position
lem496 asked 4 years ago

Hey guys,
I hope all is well. Four months or so ago I was forced to switch to Long Pips on my backhand. For better or for worse I’ve had quite a bit of success with them. During this time I’ve managed to increase my league rating by 600 points and tournament rating by 500/points. As expected I’ve hit a wall, in my last tournament when I was forced to play in a grouping that was way over my rating. I wasn’t surprised with by the patience of my opponents so much as when they decided to loop me I’d be so out of position there was no way for me to even get close to the ball. I don’t think the issue is me getting to the ball as me unable to anticipate where the ball will be. Which leads me to my second problem. I’m using Rakza 7 (thanks for the video) on my forehand. When I do get to the ball I manage to block it back on the table quite easily, unfortunately I get caught in a trap of just blocking over and over until I lose the point. Question 1: I’m assuming I’m out of position because of my lack of anticipation. How can I improve this problem. Question 2: Once I start blocking heavy top spin it’s almost impossible for me to start attacking, I’m either forced to hope my opponent “punches” himself out or I concede the point. How do I follow up a block with an attacking stroke.
Funny side story: I was accused of boosting my rubber. The higher rated player said there is no way I could block his topspin that many times without it. When I told him I Rakza 7 Max  and it just made it easier for me his response was “BS!” 

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 4 years ago

Hey Lem,

OK so on your first question, improving anticipation is best done by doing lots of irregular drills so you have to adapt and learn to pick up signals on direction more quickly.

So to transfer from blocking to counter attacking you need to keep your bat high so you have the ability to brush over the ball and keep it down. Many people when counter attacking go for a swing which is too big and lose control. So try to keep a compact swing and use the pace already on the ball from the opponent. Just try to brush over the top of the ball softly and send some topspin back to the opponent.

Interesting that they thought you were boosting, I guess you just have to take it as a compliment! 😅

replied 4 years ago

Thanks guys

Rakza 7, who knew?

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