Coach CornerVideo Requestsany-idea-how-to-reach-vladi-please-make-a-master-class-of-vladimir-samsonov
Jai Mahajan asked 11 months ago

I consider Vladimir Samsonov to be one of the greatest of all time in table tennis and really inspired by his game. Wanted to learn from him and get insights if possible through a masterclass or reaching out to him any idea how to contact him and where he is nowadays?

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 11 months ago

Hey Jai, I agree he was an absolute legend of the sport! We will be adding more pro player content to the Academy for sure and we will work on getting a masterclass with Samsonov for sure! 

Jai Mahajan
replied 11 months ago

Thank you for the prompt reply ! looking forward!

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