Coach CornerTechniquesArm speed exercises
malcbarber asked 7 years ago

Hi, I am finding while playing forehand top spin shots I struggle to return my arm back to a start position fast enough with faster play. Are there any exercises  playing or non playing exercises I can do to help speed me up. Thanks.

2 Answers
maurice101 answered 7 years ago

I had this issue too when I did not finish in front of the eyes. Where is your finishing position? On a slower ball the pros do a straight arm full stroke with finishing position on the left where they do not expect the ball to come back.

Dan Academy Coach answered 7 years ago

Hi Malcbarber thanks for your question. Maurice101 response above is on the right tracks here. It is most likely due to your follow through. Do you think you are able to submit a video of yourself playing? This will really help us provide you the feedback. If you can upload your video to youtube and select the video as unlisted. Then send me a copy of the link to our email [email protected] I can have a good look. Or simply paste the link in a response here.

For now, practice on following through in front of your body and not across. By doing this you have a shorter distance to recover Focus on your weight transfer as you play the shot, this will help you bring your arm back quicker. If you are right handed, as you play the forehand, land your weight onto your left foot, then use this momentum to push back into position. If you watch this video you will see what I mean: Take note of my follow through and weight transfer.

Another important tip is staying relaxed during your strokes. If you tense up to much this forces your action to slow down. If you watch a player like Liam Pitchford, you will see his shots are very relaxed, which causes his shots to have a whip effect. This gives him really good recovery. Try to stay relaxed when practicing your recovery, this will really help.

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