Coach CornerMatch playattacking-high-backspin-balls
Hamza Caratela asked 1 year ago

Hey guys, I am really struggling to attack high heavy backspin balls. I either spin it long off or put it in the net. How do I attack these balls l?

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 1 year ago

Hey Hamza, yes these can be a difficult shot to deal with, I think from my experience that the legs and body are key in these shots and when it’s high people tend to just use the arm to much and lose control.

So really focus on brushing the ball forward but using your legs to generate the power, also keep your wrist relaxed and use this as you make contact to accelerate across the ball to give you spin and speed. Last thing is to make sure you are getting it at a comfortable height, if you hit the ball when it’s too high it is hard to control and you will be reaching for the shot. Of course you also don’t want to let it drop to low, so find the comfortable point where the ball is still high but not out of reach.

Dan 🙂

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