Coach CornerEquipmentaverage player plateaued – want to work on footwork/technique – which rubber to settle on (now using Mark V)
bogdan asked 6 years ago

Hi and thank you for this academy! Which rubber would you recommend for an average player (10+ years, USATT 1600). I use Mark V with Stiga Allround Evolution. I know the basics, tactics, and mostly suffer from poor footwork and technique. I never used Tenergy or carbon blades as I think those will impede my progress (I only play twice a week + robot). Mark V gives amazing control on receive, but obviously not as spinny for serves. Which rubbers would you recommend to settle on?

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hi Bogdan no problem at all, welcome to the Academy!

I agree its good that you haven’t been tempted to go to a bat and equipment which is fast too quickly, it’s important to get solid technique and all round game before changing equipment too much.

It sounds like the set up you have right now is pretty good to be honest, and it’s better to stick with ine thing and be confident than keeo changing equipment which can slow down improvements. However when the times comes in the future when you are looking for something similar but with more speed and spin then perhaps you could try something like butterfly rozena.

Cheers, Dan

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