Coach CornerTechniquesBackhand topspin
maurice101 asked 7 years ago

I have been told for the backhand topspin to have the blade more closed at the end of the backswing than in your video. Your opponent should be able to see the red rubber if you do this methanics. Looking at some world top 5 players they do seem to do this. I got a video of my long having the bat parallel to the table at the end of the backswing. Also I have been told to have a good whip at the end of the backswing so the bat handle faces opponent. Any comments on these 2 ideas?

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 7 years ago

Hi Maurice, it does depend totally on what spin is coming at you and how much on the angle of the blade, having the blade more close certainly won’t hurt in terms of brushing the ball and getting more spin. Having a good whip in the shot is definitely good, as for the bat handle I think it would almost be facing the opponent if your using a.lot of wrist which is good in longer topspin strokes. Hope that’s helpful! 

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