Coach CornerTechniquesBackhand topspin vs. backhand drive
martink asked 6 years ago

Hi Tom,
I have a decent bh drive. The last year or so I have worked on improving my bh topspin. Sometimes I have no idea if I used a drive or a small topspin. IMHO, both involve some wrist, although at a bit different angle. I guess you can have some shots that are in between 😉 In this video, is Charlotte using a bh topspin? I think very good players now almost always use a bh topspin, even when warming up and very close to the table.

3 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hi Martink,

Yes your absolutely right, there’s no real black and white difference between a drive and topspin and sometimes it can be something in between as you said. There actually isn’t a huge difference between a backhand drive and topspin technique, its just the bat angle and the way you contact the ball really. Both use the wrist although the topspin slightly more so.

I can’t view the link you sent for some reason, but again totally agree with you that high level players are almost always using backhand topspin shots, even close to the table. That’s because it makes it much harder for an opponent to return if the ball has topspin and kicks towards them quickly.

So just keep working on improving the backhand topsoin close to the table especially and using more spin, it sounds like you have a pretty solid backhand which can keep improving!

replied 6 years ago

Hi Tom,

Thanks. From your reply, I guess then that it is a good idea to focus on using the backhand topspin as much as possible? Sure, there is a long way to get there for me, sometimes there is only time for an active block and live with it 😉

The link should work if you copy and paste. Unable to make it clickable in a comment window. I will leave an answer below with a couple of clickable links.

Academy Coach replied 6 years ago

Ahh yes I have watched the link now, in that very Charlotte is very much doing a backhand drive, her contact is pretty flat with minimal spin on the ball.

Yes I would definitely focus on the backhand topspin as well against a long push ball and get confident with opening those up. Excatly right haha sometimes you just have to get the ball back however possible ? but with practice this area of your game will improve and really help you progress!

replied 6 years ago

Thanks for the good info. Ok, then I will have to reconsider my judgement, since I quite often think that those drives of pros are small topspins. Also thought so in this case. I guess I easily get fooled by the variation in wrist and arm movement. Some have more, some have less.

Academy Coach replied 6 years ago

No problem, I wouldn’t worry to much about the difference between drives and topspin. Just paying close attention to the contact will give you a clue on if its more of a drive or topspin. Most of the pro’s definitely play small topspin’s 90% of the time or more as it gives more safety and more problems to the opposition.

martink answered 6 years ago

Link to the instagram entry from @charlcareytt:
The video itself on dropbox:

TomTom Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

That’s great I can view the link now,thanks!

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