Coach CornerTacticsbackswings-and-pivoting
Slicepong asked 6 years ago

Hi Dan and Tom. In your excellent “Pivoting” vid, Dan pivots on both backspin and moderate topspin. So, it’s not just about backspin, then? I also noticed Dan didn’t have a very big backswing even on the pivot. You guys often advocate for concise strokes, but don’t you think the pivot is a time to go for it more with a large backswing? You’re taking a big chance by pivoting, you may as well go for it, right? When do you recommend bigger backswings ? Thanks.

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hi Slicepong,

Really good points there that you’ve brought up when pivoting. It’s not only on backspin that the pivot is effective, because many players with a strong forehand who get pinned into the backhand corner during a rally like to be able to pivot around the backhand and play forehand to be aggressive.

Sometimes when turning around and using the pivot you’re right it’s good to play stronger with more backswing as you can get caught out of position if you play too weak. However I think what’s more important is having the movement to know you can recover and also most importantly is where you place the ball once you’ve pivoted rather than just going all out. Try to really aim for the crossover or body or even very wide and don’t give them an easy ball block back quickly and catch you out of position.

On your point with larger backswings the most common time you would do this is when you have a weaker ball and more time to play stronger, or also when you are away for the table and need more power and longer backswing is fine too 🙂

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