Coach CornerFootworkbalance
Hamza Caratela asked 2 years ago

Hi guys, how do I improve my balance as I tend to lean backwards with my shots, making it go off the end of the table and poor timing. How can I solve this? 

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey Hamza, the first thing is your feet, so making sure you are on the balls of your feet (The front part near your toes). Focus on always staying low and keeping your head the same level when playing and switching. Then you need to make sure when playing your shots you are nice and stable so good solid feet on the ground so you can lean forwards and avoid coming upright and leaning backwards as you said.

Try some footwork drills when you are focusing on these areas and just go for consistency but really thinking about your feet and body position.

Hamza Caratela
replied 2 years ago

OK, that sounds good, I’ll try this out. Thanks

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