Coach CornerServe and ReceiveBall toss for Par Gerell's serves
[email protected] asked 6 years ago

I purchased Par Gerell’s serve course, which I find is really good.
I have a question regarding his ball toss, which is not upwards but arching towards him.
I’ve seen his match videos so they are obviously legal, but I always thought the toss had to be mainly upwards ?
Thank you for your feedback and help !

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hi Fred,
Great to hear from you. Glad you find the course to be really helpful. It has tremendously helped with my serving, Pars tips are very insightful.

Yes you’re correct the rules state the the ball throw must be “near vertical” of course its impossible to get it completely straight every time, sometimes players will throw the ball back a bit, and will try to get it as straight as possible, umpires will give a little bit of allowance for a slightly off vertical throw but not too much.

Hope this helps Fred Glad your enjoying the course 🙂

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