Coach CornerEquipmentbasement-makes-my-blade-extremely-dusty-dirty-after-3-4-hrs-of-play
Lucas Chacon asked 2 years ago

Hello thank you guys once again for your help on all my question, I have another silly but serious question since it happens daily.
I try to train daily for 3-4 hours since my brother and I are trying to get better. I notice that every time that we play in our basement that since we have our washer and dryer down stairs it makes the whole basement full of lint in the air. After 3-4 hours of play my bats rubbers are completely filthy. There are big white spots where I hit the most on the rubbers. Those white spots become quite slippery and the parts i don’t hit remain tacky. When I play in different clubs I notice not very much dirt at all honestly. I am wondering am I hurting the rubbers a lot by playing 3-4 hrs in that linty/dusty environment in my basement? I am curious what I can do in this situation would it be best to clean my blade every 1-2 hrs to keep it clean or how should I go about it?
Thank you!

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey Lucas, yes I know what you mean it can be annoying when you get a lot of dust and stuff on the rubbers. To be honest it won’t be doing to much damage as long as you use your breath to clean your bat and wipe it off or after 3-4 hours you can use a tiny bit of water on the rubber to clean it all off.
Dan 🙂 

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