Coach CornerServe and Receivebat-ready-position
Slicepong asked 5 years ago

Hi Tom and Dan. I often seem to get caught out by long, fast serves and recently I think it’s because I hold the bat closed, like a tennis racket. Do you think it’s optimal to hold the bat neutral or even open a little on the serve only, and then go back to what feels comfortable, i.e. a closed bat, during the rally? Or should I learn to keep it neutral all the time? I notice Dan seems to be closed and Tom neutral with their bat position. Thanks. 

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 5 years ago

Hi Slicepong,

I think to be honest its most important to be ready and comfortable with the grip when returning serve and the bat angle isn’t too important. If you have to change your grip after receiving this will make things difficult for the next shot. I would focus on keeping the bat high and not letting it drop too low when returning serve so you are ready to get on top of the ball abd control it if the opponent serves long and fast. As you say myself and Dan have slightly different positions when returning so it’s more how you feel comfortable.

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