Coach CornerEquipmentbeginner setup for a return after more than 10y
jor508 asked 2 years ago

Hello,  I have played table tennis more than 10y ago,  a lot outside or in school and during a year in a club,  and I was advanced beginner,  with a hitter / bloquer style,  lefty handler. 
Starting in September I have decided to play again table tennis seriously because I’ve won a little tournament in a hotel and enjoyed playing,  this was an old passion. 
Today I want to play a more modern style with top spin,  but still keep that hitter bloquer style if needed, but I’ve just want to play safer and with control. 
This is the setup I have offered to myself for my birthday,  with also your subscription and masterclasses because I want this table tennis return to be done the right way. 
I have searched a lot on revspin in order to get an allaround flexible blade with faster and harder rubber at least on my forehand,  and with a forgiving rubber on my backhand. 
Yasaka Sweden Extra : 
Forehand Rubber (Black) : 
Xiom Vega Pro 2.0mm:
Backhand Rubber (Red):
Xiom Vega Europe 1.8mm:
What do you think of such setup for the first 6 months or even first year? 
Also,  thank you very much for your videos,  masterclasses and articles,  it is helping to improve and I hope to be at a level I never was before.

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey, great to hear you are getting back into table tennis! This seems like a good set up to get you back in and be able to play the topspin style you want but still give enough control as you said.

We’re very happy to help with our videos and any other questions just let us know 🙂

Cheers, Tom

replied 2 years ago

Hi jor508

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