Coach CornerPsychologybest-way-to-get-my-5-year-old-daughter-started-in-the-journey-of-tt
Karan Misra asked 2 years ago

My daughter has extreme levels of energy. I was thinking of strategies of draining her energy out and what better than getting her started on a sport which she and her old man can bond over?
She is 5 and a left handed child. She has watched me goof around the TT equipment and heard that I go to play the sport often. She has expressed interest in coming to play with me often.
Any tips/pointers on how to get her started so that she can reach her maximum potential (if she has the gift, which is unknown as of now) ?

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey Karan, great idea to get your daughter started in table tennis to burn off some energy! I think the most important part for kids when starting out, especially at a young age, is just making it fun and doing basic balls skills, so even just balancing the ball on the bat and then walking around and trying not to drop it. Then of course bouncing the ball and progression towards bouncing whilst walking around.

You don’t need to do too much actually on the table right at the start. Just basic ball skills and then a great way to start on the table with her is actually remove the net and just get her to roll the ball along the table with her bat and you hit it back to her along the table. Kind of like air hockey if you understand what I mean!

I hope this is helpful, then of course after a while when she becomes comfortable with these things then you can start with the basic forehand and backhand drives etc. But for now i think what I suggested above would be a great start for her 🙂

Karan Misra
replied 2 years ago

Wow. Thanks for giving this dad a starting plan.

I think I get the idea. And simply brown away at the effort put in to answer the question.

Academy Coach replied 2 years ago

No problem at all 🙂

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