Coach CornerTechniquesbh-open-up
Hamza Caratela asked 2 years ago

Hey guys, I’ve just bought a new blade and rubbers. I have picked a tacky rubber for the BH side which is a DHS skyline if I’m correct. I’m fine with light backspin but when it is heavy, I struggle with it. What am I doing wrong here? Could it possibly be the equipment change? Or is there something wrong that I’m doing.  I’m definitely using my legs and hips to counteract the backspin. 

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey Hamza, the equipment change will definitely be part of it as you need time to adjust to it and be fully comfortable. Usually with a Skyline type of rubber you really need to make sure to accelerate well through the contact and have a full stroke. I think with a bit of adjustment time you will soon be back to how you were before. Let us know if you are still struggling with this. 
Dan 🙂 

Hamza Caratela
replied 2 years ago

I worked on the BH side for hours and feel a lot confident with it. Thanks for the guidance.

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