Coach CornerEquipmentblade-and-rubber-combination-for-1000-level-player
darrell-_coleman asked 4 years ago

Hi guys, 
I’m about a 1000 level player. what blade and rubber combinations would you recommend for me? Just out of curiosity. Currently I’m using Zhang Jike w Tenergy 05 FH and Dignics 09 BH, but I’m wondering if I should consider a different setup. With this combination my looping is pretty strong but I am still having difficulty getting long under spin pushes and serves to my forehand side back on the table. Thanks, 

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 4 years ago

Hi Darrell, a lot of equipment choice really comes down to individual preferences and what you’re used to and playing style etc. To be honest I’d say stick with what you have and you’ve been using to you really get used to the feel and speed etc and then focus on improving those areas you find more difficult. Like the long pushes you mentioned. I always feel its better to stick to the same equipment as much as possible, unless you feel totally uncomfortable with it. It gives you more consistency and confidence long term. Cheers, Tom

replied 4 years ago

Hey Tom, thanks for that answer, it makes great sense, and it saves me some cash, smile. Thanks again.

Academy Coach replied 4 years ago

Hey, no worries at all!

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