Coach CornerMatch playblockers
Hamza Caratela asked 2 months ago

Hi guys, I’ve just had a match and I have lost 3-0 to a blocker. All he did was to make me make the mistakes. I have a really hard time with them despite me placing the ball differently. What can I do different against them?

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 months ago

Hey Hamza, yeah this can be really frustrating playing players like this. Sometimes against these players if they are really solid and just putting the ball back you have to really slow down and take the speed of your shots, of course mix it up like you did but also sometimes push long and make them attack or just stay solid yourself until you have a chance of a shot you can really go for a winner on. But I think they key is just patience and not rushing, they are relying on your mistakes, so don’t give them to many. Dan 🙂

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