Coach CornerWebsite Feature Requestbookmark-or-favorite-for-videos
lbecraft1 asked 6 years ago

Enjoying the great content and high quality videos. Here are some suggestions to make the overall experience better:

  • Overall site searching – to quickly locate videos and other content
  • Ability to bookmark or favorite videos and other content 
  • a suggested progressive training plan – a six month or one year game improvement plan detailing what drills for each session with goal of long term improvement


2 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hey Ibercraft1,

Thanks for the nice comments and also your suggestions. We are currently working on lots of new features for the Academy, one of then is a search feature so as you mentioned you can find specific videos quickly- This should be up and running very soon!

We are also looking at being able to favorite videos etc as well. On your last suggestion the only reason we haven’t added training plans yet is because every player is so different. So what we would encourage people to do let us know your playing style as well as strengths and weaknesses on coach corner and we are more than happy to provide a more individual training programme that will suit your needs 🙂

Hope thats helpful and anything else just let us know!

Dan Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hey Ibecraft1,
Thanks for the awesome feedback this is great. We have added the search function now to videos. Let us know what you think of the search function at the top of the videos:
This is a fantastic idea I’ve seen other sites do it well:
Ability to bookmark or favorite videos and other content
We will implement this as soon as we can.
Talk to you soon,

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