Coach CornerTechniquesBrushing the ball
aisikowi asked 6 years ago

Hi Dan & Tom,
I have a fairly good forehand topspin (spin wise), and most of the time I also have a lot of speed in the shot. I must also point out that I’m missing about half of the strikes (too long or in the net).My problem is that I’m not actually brushing the ball most of the time.
I do try. I’m telling myself to focus and brush the ball, but most of the time I’m too much “through the ball”.
What should I do to “brush the ball” better?

3 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hi Aisikowi,

Yes this happens with quite a few players ,but usually people don’t realise why they are making these mistakes so its great that you understand how important brushing the ball is.

To get better at brushing the ball, try to experiment first with your bat angle to make sure your bat isn’t too open which will cause a flat and through the ball contact. You can even exagerate in the beginning and close the bat angle right down.

Also where on the bat you contact is important, try to imagine hitting the very front of the bat as the ball comes in for a topspin, this will allow for more brush across the rubber.

Lastly to improve brush and avoid hitting through the ball, it’s very key to stay relaxed with your arm so you can accelerate quickly but also hit the ball softly with brush. So focus on a soft but fast contact and keeping relxed with your arm and also the grip must be not too tight as well, give those tips a try and im sure you’ll start generating more brush!

aisikowi answered 6 years ago

Hi Tom,
Thank you for your answer.
I will try that in my upcoming training.

TomTom Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

No problem at all, let us know how you get on 🙂

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