Coach CornerEquipmentcarbon-blade
JohnnyD asked 4 years ago

While watching one of your TTD daily match videos the team was talking about what bats they were using. And one of you said you have got have carbon (Or similar). The same week one of the better players on my team said to me I need to use a heavier bat. He had been observing me playing and did not know that I have a very light blade wood blade with a balsa inlay. I have a Woodnut blade with Xiom Vega Europe DF rubbers and am very used to this bat. The new blade is a heavier Black carbon blade with Xiom Omega VII DF rubbers . I have seen and enjoyed your videos reviewing both rubbers which got great reviews. I think that I will have more speed and spin but will lose some control. What advice can you give me when making the change? Am I making a good move to improve my game for the long term or am I an equipment junkie? 
I am not a high level player and play in the lowest league in my area but am hoping to improve on this by joining your online coaching. In January I would have been playing for just 2 years which is when we got a table at work and I realised how much I loved playing TT and have been a complete addict ever since. I did however have a table at home for 2 years prior but only played my wife and her brother occasionally and had no idea what spin was or even the proper rules. 
I have been very lucky to meet a lot of the table tennis community in my area and have had the opportunity to play in league matches but I really want to increase my win percentage and be able to play in a higher league. Its hard to catch when most of my team mates have been playing for over 25 years. 

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 4 years ago

Hi Johnny, the thing with equipment is that it’s very individual and different players all like different things, some like all wood blades, some like carbon blades, heavy, light. It all comes down to what you personally feel comfortable with. Sometimes its good to try out a few different blades of team mates etc to see which type of blades you like the feeling of. Personally I think if you are very used to a bat and haven’t found it to be holding you back or uncomfortable then just stick with it until you need more speed for example. This means you can keep working on and developing your technique.

Yes table tennis is definitely very addictive and I’m sure we can help you improve here at the Academy. That’s great that you have lots going on locally and getting involved in matches. Consistency with equipment and being used to it is a big factor in improvement, so there’s no harm trying a few and feeling what you like, but then ideally try to stick to that set up for a while and focus on improving technique and your skills for a while. The xiom Omega rubbers are very good and I’m sure you will get used to the faster speed with a few session of using it. If you want any other advice or information just give us a shout again on here and we’ll get back to you!
Regards Dan 🙂

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