Coach CornerEquipmentcarbon-blades
lem496 asked 5 years ago

Hey Guys,
I loved episode 9, a lot of useful info. I am fortunate to belong to a club that has demo setups of every blade and rubber they sell. So it makes it easier to try different equipment. I’m definitely sticking with hard rubbers this season I just love the control and spin I get. I’m also sticking with a carbon blade not for the speed but for the feel and how much carbon seems to have improved my blocking ability. I’m not considering a blade change , but does a slow carbon blade exist?

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 5 years ago

Hey Lem, glad you enjoyed the new episode! I think you are spot on in trying to stick with what you have found comfortable in the past. There isn’t really such a thing as a “slow” carbon blade but there are certainly some which are a lot more slow and controlled than some of the modern blades of very high speed now a days. Me personally I like all wood blades, just for the feeling, of course that is completely personal and every player will prefer different things 🙂

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