Coach CornerEquipmentChange of rubbers
Nomad asked 5 years ago

Hi Tom and Dan
I read with interest the article from Lem 496 about his experience in changing to hurricane 3 rubber and how he found it lacked a little ‘zip’ About 3 months ago I changed to hurricane 2 on my forehand which gave me good control with spin but was also quite powerful when flat hitting.  I use Evolution EL-P on my backhand which I is faster and suits a shorter backswing but lacks the same spin control.  Any thoughts? 
One more to come

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 5 years ago

Hey Alex yeah I also read Lem496 post and Tom’s reply to the topic. I think it really depends what you are looking for form the rubber and your game style, of course if you feel you need more control and spin something like hurricane is ideal but won’t give you much spring effect or speed. If you do need or want more speed then the evolution type rubbers will be much better but of course you will lose some control.

I think for being easy to use the evolution or similar type rubbers are probably suited to most players more than hurricane as it needs more effort to use and good technique. Are you looking for more control on the forehand side in particular or just found the faster rubber on the backhand better?

replied 5 years ago

Thanks Dan

I take a bigger backswing on my forhand and feel that I can get almost as much power doing this than using Evolution rubber (due to technique used) wheras my backhand uses a shorter swing and I rely on the rubber to generate more speed and power but you are right in saying that it is basically the type of game you have been used to that will, in most cases, dictate the type of rubber you feel comfortable with. Once we are back to normal I hope to send you a video of my forehand and backhand shots for your comments.

Academy Coach replied 5 years ago

Ok that makes sense with a bigger swing using the hurricane I’ve got you. Yes that is right usually the equipment you use is down to your game style and technique. That would be good, when you get a chance we can take a look at both sides and give you some tips and feedback to hep 🙂

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