Coach CornerTacticschanging-speeds-but-not-arm-speed
Slicepong asked 6 years ago

Hi guys. Dan, you talk about the importance of changing speeds in 30 60 90. Say you’re in an excellent rhythm on the forehand and the opponent isn’t fazed, blocking most of them accurately. Do you change speeds by keeping the same arm speed and angle ( 45 degrees seems to be the optimal one in both tennis and table tennis for speed and spin) and simply hit ihe ball thinner? Or do you use other methods? Thanks.

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hey Slicepong,

That’s a really good question, you want to try and hit the ball slightly thinner as you mentioned whilst keeping the bat angle at pretty much 45 degrees. During the 30 and 60 you can also play with a little less arm speed but not too much because you still need acceleration to play a quality shot, its more the contact that you are using to vary the shots. During the 90 speed one you are playing a more direct shot with a faster arm speed whist trying to maintain the spin and safety. Remember it’s important to focus on the legs and body during this technique and not just the arm to have full control, and the ability to adjust and vary your strokes well.

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