Coach CornerTechniqueschanging-topspin-forehand-form-on-topspin-and-backspin
Slicepong asked 6 years ago

Hi Tom and Dan, Do you guys think it’s necessary to adjust how you hit forehand topspin when you hit against backspin and when you’re facing topspin? In other words, more upright versus backspin and more bent over with the upper body against counter spin? Thanks.

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hey Slicepong,
Great question. If you are against very heavy backspin then you want to start your bat lower to the ball and brush upwards, but most importantly you need to make use of your legs and body. This means when you brush upwards you will go forward at the same time when you’re using your legs. When you are facing a topspin ball you want to start your bat higher on the back swing and go more through the ball, with a more closed bat angle.
You are right indeed here Slicepong. This video highlights specifically the situation you are talking about Hope it helps:

replied 6 years ago

Dan, Thanks for the link. That was very helpful as I hadn’t watched that one yet. Great video by the way! There’s so many subtleties and adjustments to make for spin.(It rather makes the head spin). So, would you say it’s accurate to say it’s heavier top for backspin and a much flatter top for counter spin and that’s why the bat needs to start higher? Thanks.

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