Coach CornerTechniquesCheck out my FH/BH please
Lookieuk asked 5 years ago

Hey guys
could you take a quick look at my strokes and give me a few pointers please
thanks very much

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 5 years ago

Hey Lookieuk, I just watched the video and your forehand looks pretty good. There are a few areas to work on which I think will help improve it. Your arm movement is quite nice at the moment but you aren’t using much body rotation or weight transfer, try to rotate back as your bring the bat back and also get your body weight more onto your right foot and then rotate back and shift your weight forward too as you come through and hit the ball.

Also I feel if you can keep your elbow and lower part of your arm more relaxed and loose this will help you generate more pace in your shots. Just also make sure your bat angle stays closed all the way through the shot and the follow through.

Your backhand looks really nice, again the only thing I would say hon this is to make sure your bat angle is closed and stays like that at the end of the shot. Let us know how you get on 🙂

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