Coach CornerTechniquesChop Follow up
Danttgeek asked 4 months ago

Hi Guys,
So after some practice, despite the fact that I use an aggressive looping setup  (inner carbon with max rasanter50 and 47), I have learned to play some very decent chops against topspin loops.
But I have some questions on how to make this useful:
1.) I cannot play this when someone loops very hard/fast, so if I am back from the table, what is the best shot to play instead?
2.) I have noted that it’s difficult to play this shot 2 x in a row.  So if they are good enough to loop my chop (many people choose to push because it’s so heavy, and still dump it in the net), then when I try to shop it again, I am often not successful and the ball drifts long.  What should I do on this second shot?
3.) When I get a push response, 2 scenarios tend to occur:
a.) a ‘successful’ response, like a push that floats high and mid-table that has some underspin, but is not super heavy, I step in and try to put it away (usually with my backhand).  But unfortunately after having ‘won the point’, I often end up losing it because my smash drifts long or in the net.  I struggle to decide whether to hit the ball more flat like a topspin drive or loop over the top – it’s awkward because the ball is often a bit higher
b.) I get a super heavy push (simply due to my chop, not their action) and I end up pushing it and we are back to a pushing rally.  Should I try to loop this or be more patient and build up again?

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 4 months ago

Hey Dan, ok makes sense so for 1: I think in this situation it’s best to “fish” the ball back which is like a topspin lob but with the aim of just keeping the ball lower and tighter to the net and try to get back into the table after a couple.

2: If you struggle to chop the 2nd one that’s quite normal because when the topspin your first chop they have to add a lot of spin so it means the next shot is tough. I would suggest after the first chop you can prepare for a counter attack or an aggressive block as hopefully often their loop against the first chop will be more spin and lifting it up rather than a very fast shot.

3a: The key with this shot is playing a topspin shot and not hitting too flat but also brushing forward so you don’t lift the ball of the end, a great way working on these combos in training and practice going from your chop, getting the push back and coming in to attack the next ball. Often it comes down to footwork and really getting into position for the shot first before trying to attack.

3b: I would say for sure try to get used to getting into position and looping this ball otherwise you are handing back the initiative in the rally straight away.

Hope this helps! Tom 🙂

replied 4 months ago

That’s fantastic – time to practice some of these shots! ❤️❤️

Thanks Tom – super helpful.

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