Coach CornerTechniquesconsistency
maurice101 asked 5 years ago

I am happy with my form on most strokes using a robot. On multiball my consistency breaks down. How is it best to develop consistency? Coach wants me to focus on 100 balls with no errors. Then 500 balls. He is training for vets without playing matches for 20 years. He is up too 600 forehand loops with no errors.
I am trying this with slowish balls on the robot and 70 per cent power trying to hold form.
I did read you learn more from having random training vs non random training to learn a new skill.
What would you recommend to develop consistency?
Much Thanks

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 5 years ago

Hi Maurice, developing consistency is a key area for sure and using a robot and playing regular drills will help of course so that’s good. Playing slow and controlled will improve the consistency but it is important to be able to play a lot of balls on the table at closer to your full speed too.

Irregular and random training will definitely help in this area too as you learn to adapt and change quickly to different ball placements and switch faster your body position etc. Then when you go back to the regular drills or the robot it will feel much more comfortable and easy. So I would say add in these types of drills as well as keep going with your regular consistency training and over time it will improve 🙂

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