Coach CornerMatch playConsistency
Hamza Caratela asked 2 years ago

Hey Dan and Tom, as you know I’ve been really working on my BH and it’s good in practice. But when it comes to matches there is no consistency in my shots at all especially my BH. What can I do to improve my consistency 

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey Hamza, this is very common and I wouldn’t worry too much. I know it’s frustrating but if you keep up what you’re doing it will transfer into matches in the end. A couple of things you can do to help get this going in matches better. Try to put yourself under pressure in training so set yourself targets you have to make a certain amount in a row or similar things. Also trying to make sure you are doing irregular drills as this is more similar to match play and gets you making decisions and adapting better when using your backhand. But keep going with it and trying to not get worried about it missing in games and perseverance with this will get you there for sure!

Tom 🙂

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