Coach CornerTechniquesCounter Topspin
Resznotes asked 2 years ago

Hi, Tom and Dan,
I’m unclear whether a counter topspin is a short stroke over the table, even taking the ball early, or is it one for which I move back from the table to execute? In your videos I see a shorter stroke that takes the ball a bit early, and the arm movement is limited. It looks like an active block but with an attempt to put some offensive movement and spin on the ball to counter a big hit by my opponent. On the other hand, I see videos of players moving well back from the table and hitting very aggressively from a distance. The stroke has full arm and wrist movement with a lot of power and spin. These too are called counter topspins. Can you clarify this for me? I still wonder when it’s a good idea to move back from the table to attack the ball, though I can see pros and cons to doing so. 

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hi Resznotes, so the counter topspin can both both of the things you described here to be honest. Just used in different situations, it just depends on how much time you have and the distance form the table. Ideally you want to try to stay close and play the short compact co tee and hold your ground at the table but of course sometimes you need to step back and give yourself more time to play the shot if the opponent forces you back from the table with a strong shot.
Dan 🙂 

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