Coach CornerMatch playcountering-against-a-block
Hamza Caratela asked 4 months ago

Hi guys, I’m still having problems when someone blocks a ball. I’m still having problems where I miss the ball or I dump it in the net. It’s so frustrating that I can’t finish the point off. I’m only relying on the opponent blocking it long off the end of the table. The ball is against a backspin ball and I normally generate heavy topspin on it. Can you help me with this issue. This is the reason why I can’t take my game to the next level.

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 4 months ago

Hey Hamza, Ok so this is usually down to timing or not getting the right contact on the ball. Normally if you play a slower heavy topspin shot and the opponent blocks the ball back it will come back slowly and without much pace but still has a fair bit of topspin on the ball. So the key is not to rush this shot and make sure you press into the ball with the rubber as you contact, almost like a very short forehand drive shot.

If you find these are still going in the net it might be that you actually need the start to play more of a short topspin stroke against these blocks, so trying to keep a short stroke and just brush forward over the ball with a bit of acceleration, this will stop the ball going in the net when the block comes back very slowly. Let us know how you get on trying these two things. Tom 🙂

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