Coach CornerServe and ReceiveDealing with short serves with little spin or no spin on forehand
martink asked 7 years ago

Another service question. Another troublesome serve might be a short serve to my forehand with little or no spin. Usually those serves are not too low, and I really try to execute a flick. However, the return is usually far to slow, often a bit too high and I get attacked immediately. If I try to push those, then a too short and too high return follows. Not sure what the best solution is here, I guess the flick is the best option, but it is hard to get right 🙁

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 6 years ago


Yeah it’s not an easy serve to deal with this one you mention. Your also spot on that a flick is the best option, to keep the ball low with the flick try to focus on the bat angle and keep it closed. Think about the forehand flick as a kind of very mini forehand topspin, using the forearm and wrist brush over the top of the ball and finish in front towards your opponent’s side keeping a short contact and follow through.

It may also be going slightly high because of the timing, its key to get your head and body close to the ball when playing the flick so you have control. So make sure you step in well under the table with your foot and don’t rush to play the ball, wait till it reaches the top of the bounce and then execute.

Perhaps have a look at our forehand flick video we have some tips and common errors in there too which you might find relevant to you. Hope that’s helpful!

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