Coach CornerEquipmentEquipment advice
Anthony Harvey asked 2 years ago

Hi Tom & Dan,
Hoping for some insight and guidance if possible. 
Relatively new player, tennis background, playing TT 3-4 times per week for past 6 months. Progressing visibly well. 
Initially bought a TB ALC with 2.1 T05 rubbers and quickly found it was too much equipment for my level. No feel, huge catapult all exacerbated by inconsistent technique. Swapped out very recently for a Yasaka Sweden Extra with Xiom Vega Pro on FH and Vega Europe on BH both in 2.0 for more control. Played with it today and the blade is very nice.
I did notice however that the Pro (in particular) and Europe rubbers still have much more of this spring or ‘catapult’ effect and obvious bounce than I was expecting. Almost similar to the T05 rubbers on the TB I was moving away from. I certainly didn’t have the feeling or control I expected. When I use other players setups with various rubbers they all have greater ‘feeling’ upon contact with the ball whereas it feels comparatively numb on both the ALC and YSE (although to a lesser extent).
Can you offer any advice on a potential alternative rubber setup for more feel and control to pair with the YSE? Or is this just a case of perseverance and proper technique?

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey Anthony! ok so reading through what you said here about your equipment first off you’re doing the right thing by trying to find a bat with good control and feeling and the best way to do that is going to an all wood blade like the Yasaka Sweden extra. Wood blades you will feel the contact with the ball a lot more than a carbon blade as the rebound time is much quicker. I would say give the set up a bit of time for you to adjust and play with it for a few weeks or a month and really get used to it.

It takes a fair amount of time to be really comfortable with any equipment set up so that is a big part of it. Plus the set up you have no isn’t crazy fast so i do think with perseverance and time and continuing to work on your technique as you mentioned it will feel a lot more comfortable. If after playing with this set up[ for a few weeks and you still feel that it doesn’t have the control and feel you want then I would suggest trying lots of other players bats and and getting a good idea of which blade and rubbers you may feel more at home with.

Equipment at the end of the day is a very personal thing so it’s just finding that feeling that you like and then sticking with it so you can work on improving your game. I hope that’s helpful and let us know if you have any other questions on this! Tom 🙂

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