Coach CornerFootworkfeedback-on-footwork-drills
vaibhava10 asked 5 years ago

Hey coaches,
So I was focusing on improving footwork. For this week the effort was to improve lateral side- to side and pivot footwork. Following drills are in the video:
1. Backhand- Forehand
2. Falkenberg
3. Backhand- Forehand middle- Backhand- Forehand extreme
4. Random
5. Multiball
Your feedback will be appreciated. Thanks a ton!

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 5 years ago

Hey, ok so overall your footwork looks pretty good and you are pretty consistent without too many mistakes which is great 🙂 One thing I definitely feel will help is when switching from backhand to forehand try to make sure you keep your body low and forward and you don’t lift up or lean back as you play the forehands. This was happening sometimes and it will slow down your movement and also mean you will get off balance more easily.

If you can get a bit lower overall i feel this will really help, so a bit more bend in your knees and staying low and forward with your body, especially as you hot your forehands.

Right now I think this is the main area which will really help you improve your footwork and get quicker around the table. If you have any questions on that just comment below and let us know 🙂 Thanks, Tom

replied 5 years ago

Hey Tom, Thanks a ton for your feedback. Will definitely work on this and update you about my progress!



replied 5 years ago

Hey Tom, Thanks a ton for your feedback. Will definitely work on this and update you about my progress!



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