Coach Cornerfeedback-on-forehand-technique
Ferdinanddcf asked 1 year ago

Hi coaches! First i would like to thank both of you and your team for the amazing work teaching table tennis.
I’ve played table tennis for a couple years but never have done any formal training until recently.
Here are two videos where i play the forehand drive and topspin stroke. I feel like my body is to tense when i connect the shot, especially with the forehand topspin.
I’ll really appreciate some advise. 
Thanks in advance!


1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 1 year ago

Hey! Thanks, we’re really happy you enjoy our content! First off I think after only playing a couple of years and just recently started doing formal training you are doing really well and have a solid base to work from here and improve. I agree you can be more relaxed in your body and get a bit more rotation, especially in the topspin shots. This will also allow your arm swing to be more relaxed and smooth as well.

I actually really like your forehand drive technique, it’s short and compact as it should be, your keeping a nice controlled speed and hitting the ball at the top of the bounce and in front of you. I would maybe the only thing is to hinge a little bit more from the elbow, this is quite minor so just a small adjustment and will again help the shot flow easier and have a quick recovery, but keep going with that shout and building the control as well as changing direction with it too.

With the topspin I think you can again you have a good slid base to work from here, I would just try to let your arm come away from the body slightly as it looks a bit cramped up and close to you at the moment which is why it feels tense. Try to extent the back swing a little more by straightening the arm from the elbow and then bringing the elbow closed to about a 90 degree angle as you hit through the ball. I think as well closing your bat angle slightly on the topspin shots and really focusing on a light brushing contact you will soon see improvements her.

Keep up the good work and let us know how it goes!

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