Coach CornerTechniquesFeedback on video of me playing backhand topspin against backspin
Jacob Salmon asked 4 months ago

hi there, thanks for the great content, could be super great with some advice on my backhand: I am playing here against a robot that feeds long, semi-hard backspin balls. From 1 min 10 sec into the video I change the directory of my arm a bit, pushin a bit more up and in front, as opposed to the side, I kinda feel that\’s better, but any feedback from you great guys would be awesome, thanks. Link to video:    

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 4 months ago

Hey Jacob! No worries happy you are enjoying the site! So the first thing is it’s better for sure as you said from 1min 10 where you are going more forward and not across to the side, this means the energy in the shot is going in the direction you want the ball to go and also it’s more compact and easier to recover. Overall I think your shot is looking nice and you’ve got a good foundation here, just a couple of small things to help you improve it.

The first thing is getting a bit lower in your legs and using them to help in the shot a bit more, right now your arm is having to do a lot of the work so it will save you some energy and mean you can be a bit more relaxed with your arm. Aslo trying to stay low with your body and keep your weight leaning a touch more forward in the shot. What’s really nice is the way you have a good acceleration through the ball contact, so keep that up, also the contact on the ball you are getting is very good, nice brush across the rubber, just to help improve this even more and add more spin, is getting the wrist to relax just slightly which will allow you to coil it back as you prepare for the shot and then brush up and release forward, this will help you add more spin and get even more arc over the net.

These are all not major changes but I fell will really help keep improving this shot, but it’s looking good, keep up the good work! Let me know if you have any questions on the stuff I’ve said here. Dan 🙂

Jacob Salmon
replied 4 months ago

Hi Dan, thank you very much, this is super helpful indeed, will keep your advice in mind tonight in the training room; especially with respect to my stance, which I must admit, I haven’t given enough thought 🙏 🏓

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