Coach CornerTechniquesFH Push
starsky asked 6 years ago

Hi coaches, 
. When training  and matches I’ve always tried to focus on looping a long backspin push to my FH and only play a push from my FH side when it’s short. . I’ve been told recently down my club that I should learn to push long balls from my FH   and it’s a glaring weakness in my game because I only have a loop from my FH side( albeit inconsistent at the moment). Should i learn to push long balls  as well as loop or should I focus solely on attacking those balls ?

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hi Starsky,

You’re definitely going about things the best way, it’s important try to play topspin shots against a long push as much as possible, especially on the forehand side, and build a positive attacking game. If you push back long too much you will give your opponents more chances to attack and put you under pressure.

Having said that it is also good to be confident with being able to push back long yourself, when you are out of position or aren’t ready to play a loop and open up the rally. So practice being able to push back long well as a fall back and second choice when you are late to the ball or a loop is very difficult.

So keep going for your topspin shots as much as possible and work on improving the quality and consistency, because in the long term this is the best way to develop your game and improve. However working a little on being able to push back as well won’t hurt at all, simply so you have more options and other shots to fall back on when a loop isn’t possible. It will also mean you have a more well rounded game, but you’re definitely right to try to mainly topspin when the ball is long and push back or touch when it is short!

Hope that helps and if you need any further information let us know 🙂

replied 6 years ago

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the reply and advice.
I will look to spend some practice time on that shot as you recommend and add it to my game .

Many thanks and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Academy Coach replied 6 years ago

No problem at all Starsky, definitely sounds good to me. Thanks I will do, enjoy your weekend too.

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