Coach CornerTechniquesfine-touch
Sweetiele asked 6 years ago

I understand that getting a fine touch on the ball is important but when I try to spin with a fine touch against a heavy backspin push it almost always goes into the net. How can I practice getting that fine touch on the ball?

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hey Sweetiele,

Good question. Usually when the ball goes into the net like you are referring to its because the player is not using his legs and body to weight transfer into the ball. What happens is that players focus to much on the arm to get the fine touch, which means there is not enough forward momentum to take the ball over the net. Any chance you could send in a video of you doing this? It would really help me analyse your game.

Really work on your weight transfer with this fine touch of yours.

replied 6 years ago

Hey Dan,

Thanks for your reply!

I will make a video and post the link here on this thread soon for you to analyse!


replied 6 years ago

Hi Dan and Tom,

Here is the link to a video in which I’m spinning on backspin. Please let me know the mistakes I am making.


Academy Coach replied 6 years ago

Hey Sweetiele,

So ive had a good look at the video you sent and the main thing making it hard for you right now are your legs and body position. On the backhand as you hit the ball you end up high and also leaning backwards, so try to get lower with more bend in your knees and keep your body leaning forward into the shot which will add a lot nore control and help you brush the ball with a fine touch too.

With the forehand the bigest problem is your legs, you don’t make enough use of a good weight transfer from right to left and as you hit the ball your right leg actually steps forward and ends up in front of you and nakes you come upright rather than low and forward with the body.

Really try to get your weight first onto your right foot and then transfer forward into the shot and end with the weight on your left leg, keeping your body low and forward. Don’t allow the right foot to come forward, to do this you’ll have to again be lower and have a good rotation in the body.

If you can focus on these things I think you’ll see huge improvements to your shots and body positioning, because many other elements of the shot are very good!

replied 6 years ago

Hey Tom,

Thanks for your advice! Can you also tell me about some elements that are good?

Academy Coach replied 6 years ago

No problem! 🙂 Yes you have a good bat speed and acceleration on the backhand especially, you also use the wrist well to generate extra spin and overall I think your upper body is quite relaxed compared to a lot of people.

Your dropping the bat well below the ball on the forehand too which allows you to get a lot of spin. I think if you can combine these elements with the other parts to work on I mentioned, you’ll see a big difference!

replied 6 years ago

Many thanks for your reply Tom, really appreciate it!

replied 6 years ago

Many thanks for your reply Tom, really appreciate it!

Academy Coach replied 6 years ago

Hey Sweetiele,

I’ve just watched your video and Tom has covered all the points I would have. Give these pointers a practice for around 10 sessions and then send us another video doing the same drills. It would be nice to give you an update after this practice you do.

One thing I also noticed is that when you start the exercise you are walking into the push. Stay nice and low before you even start the drill, this will keep you low throughout. If you start high its very hard to get into the right position from there going forward.

Keep up the good work Sweetiele! 🙂

replied 6 years ago

Thanks for your reply Dan!

I will definitely put in a few sessions, keeping in mind the inputs that you have provided and post a video for you guys to analyse once I’m done!
Can you please also have a look at my video where I’m counter topspinning from my backhand?
Here is the link:


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