Coach CornerMatch playfluidity
Hamza Caratela asked 7 months ago

Hi guys, I have a tendency to play jerky and my shots are not fluid. How can I get my shots to be fluid. Also how can I create this as a habit to play fluidly instead of playing jerky and stiff. Thanks

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 7 months ago

Hey Hamza, I think the best way to improve this is focusing on staying relaxed. the first thing that helps this is not gripping the bat too tightly, this will help the rest of your arm and body stay relaxed as well. Also trying to play with spin and brush the ball rather than hitting flat or too fast will help slow you down a bit and have more control and less jerky shots. Try to do some regular footwork drills and focus on these elements I mentioned here. I’m sure this will help you! Tom

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