Coach CornerTechniquesForehand counterspin flies off the table
martink asked 6 years ago

I feel that my forehand countertopspin often flies off the table. I am trying to get a countertopspin near the table. When the speed increases a bit, it gets difficult. I try to  shorten the stroke somewhat for faster recovery,, but maybe the right acceleration (or even contact point?) isn’t there. Yes, I do play with a bit harder and faster rubbers.

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hey Martink,

Yes forehand counter topspin can be a difficult shot, it’s the right thing to do to try and stay close to the table and work on this shot like you said. So usually when the counter topspin flies off the table there are a few things to look out for: The first is the timing, it’s key to hit the ball at the top of the bounce even when close to the table, it can be easy to rush and hit the ball too early.

Next is keeping a short stroke and a closed bat angle, most of the movement of the shot should come from the elbow and forearm brushing forward. trying to focus on contacting the top of the ball and not the back, to do this you need to be low with your body weight leaning forward. Even though the ball is already coming at you fairly fast when going for a counter topspin you still need to have a quick and snappy acceleration through the ball to counteract the spin and speed from your opponent, as long as your keeping a relaxed arm and brushing on top of the ball you’ll maintain control.

It’s definitely possible with fast and hard rubbers, just a case of getting the feeling for it. Let me know if you need any more help with this shot or of course send in a video of you doing the shot if you like and we’re happy to take a look.

replied 6 years ago

Thanks, I will give this a try. I noticed that staying quite low (almost just watching the top of the net) has helped me much on topspinning long serves, maybe I can apply some of that to the counter topspin. Not always that easy, I am 187cm in height.

Good point about timing, I have to give it a try.

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