Coach CornerTechniquesForehand-drive-vs-forehand-topspin
yeemanl asked 5 years ago

Hello Dan and Tom,
I am new to table tennis, have started practicing for 2 months. 
May I ask  the difference between the forehand drive and forehand topspin? Seemingly, the forehand drive is the basic of the forehand topspin, but, in what ways are they different…? 
Thank you!

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 5 years ago

Hey Yeemanl,welcome to table tennis and welcome to the Academy ?

Yes that’s right the drive a is a more simple and basic version of the topspin. It has a short movement with a thicker and flatter contact and is good ti master vefore moving onto the forehand tospin.

The bat angle is more open with the drive as well, for a topspin you close the bat angle,take more backswing and you are looking to brush the ball but a drive you are hitting more through the back of the ball. Hope that makes sense for you.

replied 5 years ago

Yes. Thank you!

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