Coach CornerTechniquesforehand-fade-with-disguise
Danttgeek asked 4 months ago

Hi Guys,
I watched the Waldner forehand video and it reminded me of my challenge with the forehand fade.
I can play the normal forehand loop as well as a VERY spinny sidespin loop which I can position accurately.
However, I cannot play the forehand fade unless it’s a very high ball, which is more of a sidespin smash than a loop.
When the ball is in the normal position, I get muddled somehow and lose all quality and topspin.  I feel like my timing goes out, perhaps I hit the ball to early to get around the back.  Can the fade be hit with the same timing as a normal or hook shot?
Would love a detailed video on how to build this skill.

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 4 months ago

Hey Dan, we will look at making a video on this because we haven’t really covered this topic much. You can hit a fade with the same timing as a normal forehand or hook shot it just requires a good contact on the ball to come across it and brush well still. I would say though quite often rather than a fade just playing a normal straight topspin into that corner can work just as well and is a lot easier to execute. Getting into the right body position to play the fade is also very important, if you are to far away from the ball it’s hard to get the right contact and the shot will end up being weak or soft.

replied 4 months ago

Awesome thanks Tom.

It’s weird, I feel it should be easy and obvious and as you describe “with the same timing as a normal forehand or hook shot” – but somehow I struggle to get my head around the angles at contact. I feel like I need to build it up somehow from something basic. I’ll look out for that video. 😉❤️👍

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