Coach CornerTechniquesForehand loop – apply pressure to the thumb
martink asked 6 years ago

Hi there. The clips below mention to apply pressure to the thumb on fh loops. It feels weird, I cannot do it on fh.  I think I mostly lead with my index finger? Examples below (turn subs on)
“I use a lot of pressure on my thumb”
“It uses a lot of force, especially on the thumb”
“Impact – Apply force to the thumb”

2 Answers
martink answered 6 years ago

To elaborate on this, I apply pressure to the thumb on backhand and there it feels natural. Of course with a small grip change like most players do. But on forehand, I am not sure that I can understand it, unless this will have a big benefit on finding the right angle eg. easier to keep the racket closed.

Dan Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hey Martin,

Good question I am like you I use the thumb on my backhand and index finger on the forehand. I wouldn’t worry to much, I don’t think using the thumb on your forehand is important. What may feel like it works for some players won’t always work for others. The thumb is important on the backhand as it gives stability and feel. hope this helps. Keep up the great work 🙂

replied 6 years ago

I played today, and I noticed that there is some pressure on the thumb, especially when looping backspin. However, this is more like a pinch between thumb and index finger holding the racket, it gets more firm towards the hitting point. Rest of my grip is more loose. As you say, I will not worry too much. I think what I am doing now works.

Thanks for your response.

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