Coach CornerMatch playForehand Topspin Advise
Emil Seidler asked 2 years ago

hi guys, i just started with your Sharath Kamal Achanta Masterclass and was wondering if you could give ne some advise, what i could improve in my technique first

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey Emil,
Looks like you’ve made a good start already with the Masterclass, some really nice forehands here. I think a couple of things that will help, so making sure you keep your left hand up for balance and also this will help you get a bit more rotation and twist in your body. I would slow down the balls coming to you from the robot so you have more time between each shot. Then you can really focus on the technique.
You can see the forehand is a lot better when your lower arm is relaxed and really whipping through the shot, so keep the focus on the elbow and wrist acceleration. 
I think overall you’ve made a really good start here and it’s small details that will help improve it now. I think where you will really see the difference is when Kamal talk about the wrist through the Masterclass and how he uses this, I found this really interesting and it’s something I wasn’t really doing and I found the power and spin you can get is a lot more!
Let us know how you are getting on, Dan 🙂 

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