Coach CornerEquipmentfzd-alc-transition-to-cybershape-carbon
Zhivko Nikolov asked 1 year ago

Question i think Tom could have some knowledge about as i believe he plays with the cybershape carbon.  Used to play with FZD alc  but now changed to the Cybershape Carbon and i feel that one to be speedier and stiffer. Having trouble also adjusting to the head heaviness. Wonder if Tom had same issue when he switched? I suppose i will get used to it if i keep playing with it though, but definitely feels heavier on my wrist even though it weights the same as my previous paddle.   In the youtube video with truls published 4 months ago it was compared to exactly the FZD Alc and it got 1 point less in speed and topspin, do you still believe that is the case and if you could explain a little during what strokes that is the case ( during strong or weak shots?) as i find it to be quite the opposite 🙁

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 1 year ago

Hey! To be honest I didn’t really have any issues adjusting to the head heaviness, possibly because the blade I used before was also a bit head heavy. I think speed ratings when comparing equipment between different brands is always a bit hard to compare. In terms of speed compared to the FZD ALC I would say it’s pretty similar however it’s a stiffer blade I would say and this could be why you are feeling that way.
You will definitely adjust to this and also when a blade s brand new it can take a short break in period after which time it will soften up slightly and have more “feel”. I definitely found this at the beginning when I switched to the Cybershape but now I absolutely love it and think it has a great balance. Of course all players like different things and different feelings from equipment so it is quite personal, but I would definitely give yourself some time with the blade and keep going because I’m pretty sure after more playing time you’ll start to adjust and really enjoy using the Cybershape. I’d be interested to hear how you’re getting on so let us know and of course if you have any further questions on this just let me know! 
Tom 🙂

Zhivko Nikolov
replied 1 year ago

Thank you, i will give it more time and see how i get on. Btw, i can’t watch the podcasts – says i need to upgrade my account for some reason.

Academy Coach replied 1 year ago

No problems, ok we will look into the podcasts and get that sorted as soon as possible

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