Coach CornerVideo RequestsGame-techniques-analysis
Chris Lim asked 2 months ago

Hi Dan, Tom,
Heard you and your team are here At the Singapore Smash! Hope to catch you here. Tawahn has had two recent games during the competition that I hope to get some feedback on. 
Hope you can share some pointers on the areas that he needs to further develop in.

(He’s wearing the blue shirt with white sleeves)

(He’s wearing the turqoise and black shirt here)

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 1 month ago

Hey Chris, sorry we missed you out in Singapore, it was an awesome event! It looks like Tawahn is doing really well and getting a good foundation for the game.

I would say from watching these videos there are a couple of key things to focus on right now which seems simple but I feel will help him a lot. The first one is being really active with the feet and a good low ready position, this seems pointless when you’re young and not that tall yet but it will really help his movement and footwork in the long term as he grows. So really focusing on being on the balls of his feet and a low ready position and maintaining this low body position throughout the rally.

The next one is going for his open up shot and not pushing as often, very often when he played a good first attack with good spin he won the point. But when he got stuck in a pushing rally and waited longer to play his first topspin it became more even.

The last thing I would say is just the returns of serve against serves which are sidespin or sidespin topspin, this is a bit more advanced but he will definitely come up against players doing these type of serves, sometimes he didn’t read it and the ball popped up high. I think those are the main things right now to focus on but he’s doing really well! Dan 🙂

Chris Lim
replied 1 month ago

Thanks Dan! These are very helpful feedback! Will work on these areas actively 😁

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